Gunter Gutsche is almost 90 and still manages to ride his longboard every day in Naniamo, near Vancouver, as seen on Friday.
Born in Berlin, Gunter first started to practice surfing and skateboarding when he was 40, in Florida.
Self-taught in both sports, he says his daily routine is to take the longboard to check his post and then ride around the neighbourhood, as a way of keeping fit.
Describing the allure of the sport, Gutsche said he feels at “total harmony with the forces of the universe” once he gets up a head of speed.
Just a few days ahead of his 90th birthday, the Nanaimo senior citizen says he doesn’t feel his age and is ready to continue his exercise routine as long as he thinks it is safe for him.
“I will see the signals when I don’t have the balance anymore, or the reaction time, then, I will stop,” he explained.
#Longboard #Skate #Vancouver #Canada